Jeffrey Allmen: curator & artist
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Jeff - Artist, Advocate, Activist, Yoga Teacher, Meditation Guide.
here is how he arrived to today.
Jeff believes the most enlightened, creative, examples of humanity are right here in our queer community. Having experienced bullying, hate, violence, and systemic homophobia in his journey, he knows many of you have as well. That struggle brings new perspective and love to every breath he takes, every brush stroke he makes. He wants to share his humanity with you, and hopefully help share the perspectives and views of other queer creatives in the process.
Jeff grew up outside of Detroit, Michigan. He fell in love with all-things vintage and art with a message, intoxicated by the story, message and works of Marcel Duchamp, Andy Warhol, and Jean-Michel Basquiat, finding endless inspiration in every moment and possibility around every corner. By the age of eleven, he had already started re-selling antiques and collectibles that he was buying with money he made cutting grass and pulling weeds.
Jeff was an old soul, dancing to the music in his head, literally running around dancing and singing making up his own lyrics and beats from the beginning. By the time Jeff was 17, he was ready to open his first store, eventually opening up two Antiques stores, and an Art gallery. Jeff also lectured on art, antiques, and architecture at the Detroit Opera House and other institutions around metro Detroit. While still studying fine art, jewelry smithing, sculpting, ceramic arts, painting, and graphic arts, his fellow students could receive college credit for attending his lecture series on art, antiques, and architecture.
When he was not in his stores, in classes, lecturing or liquidating estates, he was junking around Detroit, dancing at raves, creating in his warehouse downtown (the Russell Industrial Center for you Detroiters…). In the aftermath of 9/11, his clients stopped spending money. This propelled Jeff in new directions, becoming a master of ceremonies and announcer at large events around the country. He spent over 15 years visiting 49 states and 16 countries, finding yoga, finding new perspectives on humanity and life, queer culture and art, and now he is devoting his everything to the pursuit of his art, and career as a yoga teacher and meditation guide, with the central goal to help foster self love and a sense of positivity in the queer community.
Jeff is not only creating everyday, he wants to illuminate as many queer creatives as possible, and bring awareness and support to as many queer charities and causes as he can. Join Jeff on his journey. If you can buy a piece of art and/or merchandise while you are here, that would be wonderful. If not, Jeff just wants to thank you so much for being part of and responsible for the further illumination and elevation of our queer community and culture.